The Moo Bundle

  • $45


Save $5 when you bundle them together!  both the Moo Stuffy alongside her Moo Book! 


Syman Says Farms' infamous goat that looks like a cow and even sounds like one at times can now be loved by you forever in your home. Cuddle up to your very own Mini Moo while reading her inspirational story about learning to embrace and love herself for all she is. Mini Moo makes a great apartment, condo, flat or house goat. She doesn't require a huge backyard, promises to not disturb the neighbors and is completely house trained. She's also always ready for a hug and can lend an ear on both your good and bad days. While Mini Moo's appetite is far smaller than Moo Moo Marie's, she would appreciate a peppermint every now and then. 

Custom made & designed stuffed animal of our very own Alpine Goat who looks like a Holstein Cow, Moo. 



11"H x 8"W x 9"D (while in the seated position)

Bean bag filled hoofs and tushy

SSF Embroidered on her rear right hoof

Moo with a heart Embroidered on her left hoof

Very soft and huggable stuffed animal


Moo the Goat | Learning to Love My Spots is an inspirational children's book about our very own goat named Moo and her journey towards learning to love and embrace herself and her unique appearance. 

Written by Liz Syman

Full Page Illustration by Keven Meyers

27 page, 8x8 Hardcover book including a 2 page blog-style write up and photos of Moo.

Signed copies available.

We are offering non-signed books for $24.99

Moo signed books for $30

Moo, Liz & Aaron signed books for $35. A stamp of Moo's actual hoof print has been made and will be used to sign your copy if desired. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
David Ireland

The Moo Bundle

Pam Crandall
Moo book

Loved the book and slept with Moo the past few nights. Such sweet memories of a sweet Mama!

Kristen Hunter
The Moo Bundle

To finally hold a Moo in my hands is so awesome, great quality! I love the Moo book also!! Village Strong, hopefully someday I will get to there in person that would be wonderful!

Jo Ann Peebles
Hunter’s Christmas gift from Nana

Got the Moo Bundle along with Reindeer Poop for Christmas. Can’t wait to see his face! I will tell him the story of Moo and how much she is still loved and missed.

Cindy Blank

I really love all your products and everything about what you do. Had to share Moo with my granddaughter and they now have 3 frenchies so had to get the shirt for daughter in law.