Chat Rules

Please read ALL the Chat Rules BEFORE Chatting

​First and foremost… We pride ourselves in having one of the best communities on YouTube. Please help us maintain the integrity & wholesomeness of our chat by following these simple rules below. Our main objective is to provide a place where Villagers feel welcomed, supported and safe to chat while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of a good laugh from the goats & family. As a Villager in this community, it is also your responsibility to self-moderate. There are a lot of diverse personalities that will be enjoying this chat along with you. While you are not expected to love everyone who enters chat, you must treat everyone with the same respect you would want to receive. If, by chance, someone rubs you the wrong way, you are welcome to ignore them or go as far as to block/hide them without providing explanation. We are all adults so we ask that everyone behaves as such. Remember, there are children watching and we are their example.

If you can’t follow the rules, you will be removed without warning!

  • All decisions to remove a chatter from the channel are final! Please don't go out of your way to contact the owners. This will not change their minds and can lead to legal action! Anyone banned from any Syman Says Farms social media platforms are not welcome to visit the farm in-person.

Recording, duplication, or distribution of our videos is strictly prohibited without permission.

Just be nice, it’s amazing what happens when we’re all nice to each other. Be polite and respectful and speak to others how you would want to be spoken to.

No solicitation of other Villager's/Chatter's personal information while in chat.

No promoting yours or someone else’s Farm, YouTube Channels, Products, etc.

Please use English, we need a single language to be able to understand each other. If you’re not fluent, please use a translator such as Google Translate:

Don’t post in ALL CAPS or use excessive emojis (no more than 4 please), letters or characters. (Abbreviations like, OK, BRB, TTYL, etc. are acceptable.) YouTube see excessive use of caps and emojis as spam.

We ask that you keep chat light and fun. No talk of politics, religion, race, sex, violence, vaccine, etc. Offensive Usernames & Avatars will be banned.

This is a working farm, and we don’t sanitize the video or chat to avoid real life – goats are funny and playful and great to watch, however animals also mate, give birth, head butt each other, get sick, and sadly, die. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please don’t watch and certainly don’t criticize. We have nearly a decade of Goat experience and consult our amazing Vet when in doubt. We do our absolute best for all our animals whom we consider our family. If you have questions, we are happy to answer them!


  • BULLYING OF ANY KIND…. Bullying without using the person’s name is still bullying!
  • Disturbing the peace!
  • Being intentionally disruptive, creating arguments or any other jerk-like behavior
  • Inappropriate usernames & Avatars
  • Profanity of any kind
  • Asking for subscriptions (subs)​ or Promoting another channel
  • Fake Accounts, Impersonation, Scammers