They aren't "just" goats to us and we know they won't be to you either. Our herd of lovely ladies, gentle gents & their sweet babies are family here at SSF in Salem, Connecticut.
We spend hours a day caring for them and being a part of their daily lives. We pride ourselves in having some of the most personable & healthy kids you'll find. Well-thought out pairings, strenuous health checks, life-time breeder support and impeccable husbandry practices are just some of the reasons many families come back to our farm when adding to their herd.

We offer baby goats to those looking for both family pets & show homes. Goats make wonderful companions who can help maintain your property while providing a lifetime of laughs and memories. Goats are known to help clear poison ivy, over-grown brush and even help keep the lawn short. We also offer Show Quality goats for youth in 4H/FFA as well as youth/adult members of ADGA (The American Dairy Goat Association) We offer purebred Registered American Toggenburg & Alpine as well as non-registered LaMancha. Our bloodlines have been selected for overall body confirmation with a focus in mammary capacity. Lastly, we select for personality because whether you're looking for a pet goat or a show goat, no one wants to work with a mean animal!
Some breeders allow their babies to go to their forever homes at just a few days old while others go home around 8 weeks old. We believe there is so much social and emotional development that occurs between the 8th - 12th week of life that we prefer the babies stay with mom until they are around 12 weeks old. This allows extra time for the babies to learn how to live in a herd while getting the extra nutrition from nursing on mom that helps lay a strong foundation for a lifetime. It also allows us to make sure the babies leave up-to-date on their vaccines and recover from their surgical castration (if applicable)
We are a CAE- tested herd and while we don't test for CL or Johne's Disease, we have never had a symptomatic goat since the time we brought home our first 4 goats in 2014.
All our babies go to their forever homes up-to-date on their CD&T vaccine, disbudded, surgically castrated (if applicable), registered with The American Dairy Goat Association (if applicable), and socialized around 100's of adults, young children, dogs, cats, chickens & common farm noise like tractors, etc.
Price ranges between $150-$400 and depends greatly on gender, quality & registration needs. We do offer a discount to those looking to home 2 or more babies. We also offer a discount to 4H/FFA homes (with proof of membership)
If you are interested in purchasing a baby goat(s) from us, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.